Endomarketing: What is it and how does it benefit your company? - Emptor
One of the most effective ways to reduce employee turnover and attract new qualified talent is endomarketing. This strategy helps create a new image of a great workplace.
Endo comes from the Greek and means “inside”, and marketing refers to “marketing inwards” or marketing within the company.
What is Endomarketing?
Endomarketing is an institutional marketing strategy aimed at internal actions. Its purpose is to improve the company’s image among its employees, reducing turnover and forming employees who are promoters of the organization and motivated.
Many organizations devote time and resources to attracting, retaining and increasing customers, but they completely forget about their own workers and their organizational culture. The reality is that a dissatisfied employee, whose needs are not met by the company, is almost impossible to provide a unique experience to our customers.
Endomarketing is a management process aimed at selling and promoting the company to its own workers. Some people call this strategy “evangelizing your brand to your own employees”, adding them to initiatives and integrating them into a community to make the workplace a great place.
Perceiving the company in a more human and charismatic way allows us to give a more human touch to our organization.
The Benefits of Endomarketing
One of the main benefits of endomarketing is that it achieves the coordination of different areas, fosters communication and implementation of plans and strategies. It is not surprising that certain initiatives do not see the light when they have already failed due to lack of support within the company.
A fundamental part of the human resources department is to avoid the failure of initiatives within the organization.
Key Benefits:
Greater motivation: Employees feel more identified with the company’s brand or branding. The entire organization shares common values and goals; everyone knows their role within that organization perfectly.
Joint evaluation: It allows evaluating the work jointly because each project has been carried out with the full coordination of the departments within the company.
Decreased turnover: Thanks to endomarketing, employee turnover decreases due to increased satisfaction and commitment to the organization.
Better mental health: It also improves the mental health and quality of life of workers, which, in the long run, will reduce the number of absences in the company.
How to Implement an Effective Endomarketing Campaign?
1:1 feedback sessions
- One-on-one sessions allow and encourage communication between teams with effective feedback, allowing employees to feel heard and taken into account.
Conduct and promote team building sessions
- Team building sessions allow maintaining a solid team, concerned and engaged in achieving a joint objective, promoting activities that allow team members to interact in activities outside the company.
Anonymous workplace climate surveys
- Knowing the mood of your employees is a constant task. Facilitating feedback through anonymous surveys allows your employees to provide their opinions without fear of being judged.
Essential Tools for Good Endomarketing
- Motivation
- Establish effective internal communication channels
- Carry out integration actions
- Autonomy for decision-making
- Upskilling and reskilling training
When a company understands that its best asset is its employees and that it must work on the company’s reputation from within, it also sends a message to its potential customers.
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