The cost of a bad hire - Emptor
Discover the cost of a bad hire, as well as the best ways to prevent it with the help of available technology and resources.
Discover the cost of a bad hire, as well as the best ways to prevent it with the help of available technology and resources.
It is inevitable that employers are going to hire workers in order to ensure that companies run effectively and efficiently. Unfortunately, employers don’t always take the time to ensure that they are making the correct hire, even though cheap and easy methods can be used to mitigate such problems. When an employer makes a bad […]
No buddy, it’s not a layer 8 issue I learned a lot as a software developer in 2010. At the time, I was working at Ikea implementing large projects, and there I had the opportunity to use frameworks and libraries that I had only read about. Everything was new and surprising to me, […]
SHARE WRITTEN BY Valeria TOPIC remote working Looking to plan a virtual offsite? Discover how we planned our company’s first ever virtual offsite after having to cancel our previous plans because of the pandemic. Background Our annual offsite is, without a doubt, the most important company-wide event we organize. So far we’ve had two […]
Emptor recently performed a background check on a particular individual who failed the automatic check, our system told us he had allegedly been arrested for human trafficking. However, before dismissing his record, our team of legal experts stepped in to perform a more in-depth investigation and found out that the person involved in this case […]
In the early days of Emptor, we used to keep multiple IAM users for ourselves, which eventually multiplied our responsibilities to secure a growing number of access keys. This is a common problem with multiple AWS accounts, where each engineer has an IAM user for every account they use. While growing our business, we […]
Background check in Brazil everything you need to know to perform an identity validation for your next collaborators, find out here.
Discover why it is so important to incorporate identity verification into your processes and how the process works to provide you with greater security.
Discover what background checks are and how this process works step by step to validate the background of people in Latin America.