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Defining organizational culture: a key task for business success - Emptor

Defining organizational culture is not an easy task. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, culture means “a set of knowledge, customs, and ways of life inherited from previous generations”.

That is, organizational culture is formed by all those elements that are specific to a company and distinguish it from others. For this reason, it is important to define it correctly if we want to understand how it influences business success.

Organizational culture is formed from the interaction of three elements: language, values, and norms.

  • Language is the set of symbols, rituals, and myths that make up the identity of a company.
  • Values are the principles that guide the behavior of its members.
  • Norms are the unwritten rules that govern how activities are carried out within it.

These three elements interact with each other and form the organizational culture of a company. It is important to keep in mind that this culture is formed over time and evolves as circumstances change.

Thus, for example, a company that is in a period of expansion will have a very different culture from one that is in a restructuring process.

Organizational culture is a very important aspect to consider in any company, as it directly influences the success or failure of the company.

“A positive culture is key to business success, as it promotes the motivation, commitment, and involvement of workers.”

On the contrary, a negative culture can lead to demotivation, the dismissal of the best talents, and, in general, a poor image of the company.

Therefore, organizational culture is a key factor to consider if you want your company to be successful. Do not hesitate to put special emphasis on it when you are creating your business or at any stage of its evolution. In this way, you can ensure that your organizational culture is an element that favors the success of your company, and not an obstacle to achieving it.

Companies seek to be as prepared as possible to compete in an increasingly demanding market. And part of that preparation has to do with their organizational culture, a key aspect in the success of a business.

Scope of Organizational Culture

Organizational culture has two areas of action: internal and external.

  1. Internal refers to the relationships between the company and its workers, labor welfare policies, the work environment, benefits, etc.
  2. External corresponds to its social actions, it is the behavior of the company to the outside, the corporate image it provides to its suppliers and customers in general. This is composed of its social responsibility, participation in ecological and reforestation activities, charities or donations, joint actions with the government to improve its social environment, etc.

Nowadays, organizational culture is increasingly taken into account when choosing a job. According to various studies, 70% of young people consider it important that the companies where they work have a good corporate image. This is because, increasingly, people are looking to work in places where they feel proud to belong.

“Remember that if you take care of your employees, they will take care of your business.”

Organizational culture is a very important element to consider, whether you are an entrepreneur or looking for a job. It is important that you investigate well what corporate image the company where you want to work has, to make sure you are making the right decision.

On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur, it is also important that you pay attention to the organizational culture of your business.

  • What corporate image are you giving?
  • Are you doing everything possible to create a pleasant and healthy work environment for your employees?

So, you know, be careful with organizational culture! It’s more important than you think.

Hiring Process

The hiring process is a key factor. With remote hiring in 2022, processes have been modified and have become very focused on cultural fit. It is essential to carry out and validate various aspects of the applicant candidate before making the final decision.

It is important to mention that the personnel recruitment and selection process is essential to attract the best talent and finally ensure that the position is filled by an employee who adds value to the company with their experience to achieve the objectives.

Streamlining the hiring processes to optimize the company’s resources is essential. Emptor is a strategic partner in background validation that allows you to streamline your company’s hiring processes, shortening the time in hiring.

Emptor is the strategic partner that streamlines your hiring processes. Schedule a demo!

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