Image from El trabajo remoto y la contratación remota - retos de 2022 - Emptor
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Here is the translation from Spanish to English: Remote work and remote hiring - challenges of 2022 - Emptor

Many companies around the world had to close their doors during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. This closure was caused by the need to reduce the spread of the virus. Now that many restrictions have been lifted and companies have begun to reopen, many employees are wondering whether they should return to working in the offices.

Advantages of Remote Work

There are many advantages to remote work, including savings in time and money spent on traffic and meals outside the home. There is also a greater level of flexibility with remote work, which allows employees to work on more flexible schedules.

However, remote work can also be lonely and introverted, and some people need face-to-face interaction to perform at their best.

Conscious Decision

Ultimately, the decision to return to working in the offices will depend on each employee and their particular situation. The important thing is to make a conscious decision and work in the way that is most effective for oneself.

Challenges for Companies

Similarly, the challenge for companies is similar; today, hiring remotely becomes a challenge.

Hiring Challenges for Companies

Remote work is one of the main tools that empower companies in 2022. As mentioned in the book Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismail, large companies will leverage their success based on the pillars on which companies have achieved market capitalizations of over $1 trillion. Companies like Uber, Airbnb, and Netflix have the following practices in common:


They generate, through information technologies or their IT department, interfaces that allow them to be constantly connected with dashboards that allow them to communicate in real-time and make decisions quickly.


Maintaining a scorecard with a dashboard that allows socializing the KPIs or OKRs (Key Performance Indicators / Objective Key Results) among the involved departments. They remain in the loop and constantly pursue and update the objectives that will drive the teams to have clear results with measurable and achievable efforts.

SCRUM Techniques

In various companies, SCRUM techniques have been implemented, in which there are daily, weekly, and monthly meetings. These meetings, being very agile and no more than 15 minutes daily, allow presenting a status mentioning the points at which the teams are getting stuck in the completion of a task. The SCRUM Master will be responsible for facilitating and removing the roadblocks or elements that block progress.


One of the elements that all exponential organizations have in common is that they allow and encourage experimentation. By building MVP (Minimum Viable Products), the following points are raised:

  • Hypothesis
  • Prioritization of hypotheses
  • Design and assembly of an MVP
  • Execution of the test
  • Documentation of learnings
  • Documentation of progress


Exponential organizations allow autonomy to their decision makers, providing empowerment for data-driven decision making, not assumptions. Every experiment must be documented and justified with learning.


Exponential organizations socialize the results and share their experiments. One of the major challenges that companies face is silo communication, where departments do not communicate with each other. A common example is the disconnect between the marketing and sales departments, where Service Level Agreements (SLA) are not established.

  • MQL - Marketing Qualified Lead
  • SQL - Sales Qualified Lead

It is necessary to close the gap and establish agreements to close more sales, as both departments collaborate and depend on each other.

Hiring On-Demand Staff

Companies like Workana, Upwork, or Freelancer have been born with a goal in mind: to make the best freelance talent available to companies. In this type of platform, the premise is simple: personnel are hired by project and payments are released according to the progress of the project. Freelancers have reviews of the quality of their work delivery, and companies perform periodic reviews of the payments.

Thus, companies that hire on-demand staff can activate and deactivate human resources in a few days.

Community Involvement

An important factor will always be communities. By focusing on users, they find an infinite source of feedback to build better products or services.

Leveraging Algorithms

Companies like Alphabet and Google have patented proprietary algorithms that allow them to scale their business model as time goes by, taking advantage of Machine Learning and Deep Learning to grow. If your company can patent an algorithm, you can gain a lot of traction.

Work Resources

Exponential organizations do not have their own offices, they collaborate in spaces like WeWork and often use leasing or rental models.

User Involvement

Exponential organizations have a high level of user involvement and grow because they provide value and relevance.

Hiring Challenges

Hiring has always represented a challenge, from recruitment and personnel selection to choosing the best candidate. Some common challenges include:

  • Lack of communication / insufficient information: With teams separated geographically, lack of clear communication limits the scope and achievement of key objectives.
  • Lack of trust and commitment: Hiring processes must balance between soft skills and hard skills.
  • Obsolete or inadequate technology: Need to follow procedures with appropriate technology.
  • Lack of productivity and poor time management: Time management and handling skills are essential.
  • Geographic, cultural, or ideological barriers: Challenges of location, language, and diverse ideologies that must be aligned.

Background Validation with Emptor

As seen, exponential organizations align with a way to leverage their growth through technology. Emptor is a strategic ally in background validation, which allows streamlining hiring processes by shortening the time in your company’s hiring.

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