Image from Imagen corporativa: cómo influye en la percepción de tu marca - Emptor
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Corporate image: how it influences the perception of your brand - Emptor

Corporate image is a fundamental aspect for any company, as it influences the perception of your brand. This image is often taken for granted; however, it is not always taken into account that it needs to be worked on and cared for. That is, the perception that has been formed based on the products, services and external communication of a company. In other words: the corporate image is the meaning that a company acquires in society.

To have a good corporate image, a series of factors must be taken into account, from the logo and corporate colors, to external and internal communication. Likewise, it is important to highlight that it is not built overnight, but rather it is a gradual process in which the perception of the brand is forged. Therefore, it is essential to be constant and coherent in all the actions carried out, both internally and externally.

In this way, a solid and positive corporate image can be achieved, which will be key to the success of the company. The corporate image is the accumulation of beliefs and attitudes that consumers and the general public have about a brand or corporation; that is, the perception that has been formed based on the products, services and external communication of a company. In other words: the corporate image is the meaning that a company acquires in society.

The corporate image has an effect on people, who can identify with what it represents. If you want your brand to stand out and shine, it is necessary that you seek for it to be meaningful for your target audience and have a differentiated value.

Some examples of corporate image are:

  • Nike as a sports brand
  • Apple as cutting-edge technology
  • Zara as fast and affordable fashion

Building a Solid Context

Apple is a brand that has known how to differentiate itself from the beginning; the main slogan is “Think different”, which in Spanish means “Think differently”. Apple, in its beginnings, stood out for making advertising for those who think differently, in that sense it launched commercials with people it considered leaders who think differently, such as:

  • Richard Branson
  • Maria Callas
  • Albert Einstein
  • Martin Luther King
  • Bob Dylan
  • Salvador Dalí
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Alfred Hitchcock
  • John Lennon

Apple knew how to capitalize on attracting different people, those who were the round pegs in the square holes. Creating a product with great design from the inside, with the best quality components, was positioning Apple Computers in the spotlight.

The ability to innovate, create and improve existing products allowed Apple to be the disruptor of various industries; it all started with the iPod and mp3 players. The next disruptive product was the iPhone, which changed the entire landscape to become one of the best-selling products of all time.

iPhone sales worldwide

The iTunes subscription models, the iPad, the App Store, the Apple Watch are more examples of a visionary company that has built a culture around its subscription-based products and services.

The Golden Circle

One of the most popular marketers and speakers globally, Simon Sinek, wrote the book “Start with Why”. Start with Why shows that the leaders who have had the greatest influence in the world think, act and communicate in the same way, and it is the opposite of what others do. Sinek calls this powerful idea The Golden Circle, and provides a frame of reference on which organizations can be built, movements led, and people inspired. And it all starts with the WHY.

“Leadership requires two things: the vision of a world that doesn’t yet exist and the ability to communicate it” — Simon Sinek

Companies that understand starting with why are better able to convey their message to their main users and consumers, that message resonates so they can achieve an adoption cycle and marketing that communicates efficiently so that their users become promoters.

In summary

The corporate image is built from multiple elements, from the logo, the fonts, the brand colors, to the tone of communication and the channels you use. All these elements must be aligned to create a solid and coherent image.

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If you want to improve the corporate image of your brand, you must analyze how your target audience currently perceives your product or service and what image you want to project. From there, you can define a strategy to improve the corporate image of your brand and get your potential customers to identify with it.

Don’t forget that corporate image is a long-term construction, so patience and perseverance are key to achieving success!

For example, if you want your brand to be perceived as friendly and approachable, you must ensure that all your communication channels reflect that image. Use simple and direct language in your texts, take care of the image you use on your social networks, and make sure to respond quickly to all inquiries and comments.

In summary, corporate image is very important for your brand, as it directly influences the perception that consumers have of it. Analyze how you want your brand to be perceived and implement a strategy to improve its corporate image! You’ll see the results in a few months!

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