Recruitment of personnel - How to recruit ideal employees - Emptor
When it comes to finding the right employee for your company, there is no substitute for a well-executed recruitment strategy. But what does it take to create a great recruitment plan? Today, we’ll take a look at some of the key elements you need to consider. So whether you’re just getting started or looking to fine-tune your process, read on for some tips!
How do you find the best person for the job?
And how can you ensure that your hiring process is as effective as possible? In this post, we’ll cover some of the key points to keep in mind when recruiting new employees. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to improve your process, these tips will help.
In this blog post, we’ll share some tips for recruiting the perfect employees for your business. We’ll talk about how to identify the best candidates, as well as how to create a positive system and work environment that attracts top talent.
Finding the perfect employee for your business can be a challenging task that becomes titanic in the challenging times of remote work. The pandemic has brought all kinds of challenges, especially for remote recruiting. Some of the essential tools that have become essential are video interviews, Zoom, Meet, and one of the most popular platforms is Xerlock, which allows you to upload your CV in video format.
You need to find someone who is qualified and has the right skills, but you also need to find someone who fits well with your company’s culture. When you’re recruiting employees for your business, it’s important to identify the best candidates. This can be difficult, particularly because you need to find someone who has the right skills and qualifications.
You also need to find someone who fits in with your company’s culture and fits the role, managers, and team members, and you should always have a vision that allows you to have the best collaborators.
Candidate Identification
To identify the best candidates, you should start by creating a list of desired qualities. Once you’ve created this list, you’ll need to start looking for candidates who match these qualities.
Once you’ve identified some potential candidates through a proper screening and selection process, the best practices indicate that the following points are relevant:
- Background verification
- Manual verification
- Having at least a shortlist of the best candidates
1. Background Verification
One of the main concerns in Latin America is identity theft, so it is very important to perform a background check in advance that allows us to track:
- CURP - Unique Population Registry Key in RENAPO - National Population Registry
- NSS - Social Security Number
- RFC - Federal Taxpayer Registry to validate candidates in mass personnel hiring.
In mass hiring, time savings and the veracity of the information with reliable data that allow the human resources department to make the best decisions are imperative. Identity theft is the act of pretending to be someone else on the Internet. And why impersonate someone? According to a study by the University of Portsmouth, 66% of impersonated people do so to obtain economic benefits. The rest do it to harm the victim, have fun, or protect their identity.
2. Manual Verification
Processes and results should be manually and in detail reviewed in case special attention is required in the result of a particular candidate. In this way, we can proceed manually to review the result of a candidate in detail.
3. Having a Shortlist of the Best Candidates
Essentially having 3 options to evaluate the competencies and experience of each candidate.
Time Savings and Cost-Benefit
The time and cost-benefit savings to optimize the company’s resources that represent shortening selection processes is a challenge these days, a challenge that must be addressed with tools like Emptor. Emptor is a SAAS tool that allows you to shorten the selection processes by performing a background check in a few clicks and consulting various constantly updated public access databases.
Recruitment 101
It is imperative to start thinking about how to create a positive work environment. This is important because the best talents want to work in a place where they feel valued and appreciated. To create a positive work environment, you need to focus on creating an open and inclusive culture.
You also need to make sure your employees have the opportunity to grow and develop their skills with clear training and growth plans. Following these tips, you should be able to hire the perfect employees for your business. Remember, it’s important to find candidates who are qualified and fit your company’s culture.
By creating a positive work environment, you can attract the best talent.
6 Steps to Create an Effective and Efficient Recruitment System
Detect the needs within the organization
Precisely naming the staffing needs can be a success factor in the strategic hiring process for key positions. Knowing in detail and aligning business and business objectives will allow us to highlight the key positions that will bring the organization in the right direction. It is of utmost importance to know the company in depth to direct the recruitment and selection efforts that will impact the annual objectives.
Define the desired position
Defining and delimiting the functions can give us the guideline to know the hard skills and soft skills that the candidate should have to have an impact within the company.
Soft skills are:
- Self-management
- Adaptability to change
- Assertiveness
- Problem-solving ability
- Critical thinking
- Empathy
- Active listening
- Problem-solving skills
- Communication skills
- Time management
- Proactivity
- Pressure tolerance
- Sociability
Hard skills are:
- Certifications
- Languages
- Degrees
- Programming knowledge
- Software knowledge
In this aspect, the goal is to have the best candidate who adapts to the organizational culture and with their work can transcend, being a proactive element, who knows how to make decisions, a team leader who has the values that the company considers essential for good performance.
Pre-selection and candidate screening
The sources can be diverse according to the budget, from hiring a company or strategic partner like Deloitte, Hays, Michael Page, to managing ads on platforms like LinkedIn with a previously assigned budget for the vacancy in question.
Interview and evaluation
Within the process, one of the best practices is to present a shortlist of candidates who are interviewed to compete for the position based on their experience and previous performance, which although not an indicator, will be a good guide to the competencies, productivity and leadership required for the position.
Hiring and onboarding of candidates
All legal aspects should be presented to the candidate when making the offer, the working conditions and benefits both by law and the additional benefits the company has.
Performance and performance evaluations
Clarity in setting objectives and job expectations will determine what is expected and, in the same way, will show us a strategy of how to train for the proper performance of the position. Point by point we can evaluate, follow up, and clearly trace the impact that the position has on the company’s objectives in order to implement an organizational culture that allows us to retain and grow talent within the company.
Establishing a selection and recruitment strategy that allows you to guarantee an ideal flow of candidates to your company that match the organizational culture of your company will allow you to hire the best talent that can achieve your company’s goals.
Emptor is the strategic partner that streamlines your hiring processes. Schedule a demo to learn how automatic background checks work.